
Tehachapi, CA

3 days from initial call to client being able to drive over the bridge


Tehachapi, CA

3 days from initial call to client being able to drive over the bridge

Southern California Edison needed to cross a "sensitive area" or "wetland" with very heavy equipment for a short amount of time in order to build windmills in the windy hills of Tehachapi, CA. They need it strong, they need it fast, and they need it safe. SCE called on Monday and just 3 days later the bridge was installed and in use. Three weeks later they completed the windmill and we picked up our bridge deck. Problem solved.

Just think about that for a minute. SCE was looking at spending $150K - $200K to build a new bridge just to add a few windmills. Alternatively, the could have hired Paragon build them our re-purposed railcar bridge for about $20K to $50K. But, better yet, they simply rented the bridge for $3,000. That is a heck of a deal!

Paragon works with energy companies all over the United States doing this exact same thing. It's amazingly strong, fast, and very safe...not to mention extremely cost effective.


  • Loading: HS20 (72,000 lbs)
  • Size: 40' X 16' with 38' clear span
  • Abutments: Bridge was set on a pad of crushed gravel. Simple.

Unique elements:

  • Client called on Monday wanting this bridge installed ASAP. Paragon had it delivered and installed within 3 days! 
  • Rental: This bridge was rented for less than a month. After returning the bridge, the client ended up buying the bridge outright (which is common).

Perfectly repeatable

Identical bridge in Clinton, NY


Perfectly repeatable

Identical bridge in Clinton, NY

Paragon can provide identical bridges packages throughout the United States! Same bridge, different location, exceptionally cost effective.